Take care of your costume so it will last longer in good condition! Here is everything you need to know.
Congratulations of your new fursuit! You are probably wondering of how you can take care of it so it can stay in good condition as long as possible? No worries, this piece of paper tells you what to do and how to handle your suit properly!
During fursuiting
During your fursuit session, you should avoid wet places as such as rainy or snowy weather. It's for protection of dry brush surfaces of your suit. Dry brush is basically painted surfaces. They should stick very long time in fur, but if your suit gets wet often they will fade away. So be sure that you're not suiting outside when it's rainy weather!
How to take care of a suit
step one. before every use I recommend to gently brush your head and parts if you have any. It will give the fur nice and shiny look.
step two. After every use, make sure that you will ventilate the head properly! This is VERY important! You can use a fan and I highly recommend to use one. If you don't have any, then make sure that you set it on the table upside down so air can dry it from the sweat.
step three. When you take your head and parts off, you need to spray fursuit spray (isopropyl) inside of the head and your fursuit parts. Do not use this on painted surfaces!
step four. You don't need to wash your fursuit after every use, but it's good to wash it sometimes. You really can't throw painted parts to washing machine. I always hand wash my fursuits and I recommend this for my customers too. Use lukewarm water and uncented detergent. You don't need to use much of detergent! Also it's good to use gloves while washing your suit. For parts, turn them upside down and gently push them into water. Do not rub or use violence to wash these parts. Just gently twiddle them in the water and after couple times squeeze water off. hang your parts on flat platform, like laundry rack. DO NOT HANG THEM SO THE FUR WON'T STRETCH!I really never wash my fursuit heads, except if they're really smelly (which doesn't happen if you take care of disinfection after suiting). When washing fursuit head with painting, you need to be really careful. It can be also very tricky. I usually just gently swipe with a towel and warm water the head from outside. From the inside, you want to spray it wet with water and after that spray isopropyl. Use hair dryer to dry the head from the inside. Make sure that after washing you don't left it to be too wet! After drying it with the dryer, lay it like you do after suiting.
Remember to follow these introductions and your suit should last very long! Happy fursuiting and remember to tag me in to your suiting pics :3!
Remember to follow these introductions and your suit should last very long! Happy fursuiting and remember to tag me in to your suiting pics :3!
Instagram: @kuloworks
Telegram: @BeerBearSyrha